Dr. Shailesh and Dr. Sarika are leading homeopathic doctors in Pune. Both the doctors have been practicing homeopathy for over 20 years; and are specialized in treating wide range of acute and chronic diseases.
At HomeoCure® we provide homeopathic treatment for many chronic diseases like Piles, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Asthma, Allergies, Kidney stones, Tonsillitis, Psoriasis, Keloid, Uterine Fibroid, Joint pains, Obesity, etc. and acute diseases like Cold, Cough, Headache, Fever, etc. With homeopathy we have seen very good results for patients suffering with problems like Hair Fall, Piles, IBS, Kidney stones, Acne (Pimples), Mouth ulcers and many skin infections and allergies. Homeopathy medicines are also effective for gynecological problems such as Irregular and painful menstruation, Complaints related to menopause, etc.
This site aims to spread awareness about homeopathy and to clarify general misconceptions and doubts about homeopathy. On this site you can find informative articles written by our doctors about various diseases and homeopathic treatments for the same. You can also find reviews and testimonials received from few of our patients. These reviews and testimonials are from the patients who have been treated with homeopathy treatment at our clinic; and are meant to showcase what the best homeopathy can do with their disease conditions.

In the recent days many patients regularly search for health related information on the Internet. With spread of the Internet, patients also seek medical advice and consultation online and via email. We hope to server such patients as well.
For online/remote consultation you can call us directly or send us an email explaining your medical complaints and relevant reports. Our doctors will study the case and give appropriate advice. Depending on the nature of disease the doctors will decide if a patient can be treated remotely, as not all the diseases can be diagnosed remotely. Any advice given online is free and a patient will be charged fees only if he/she opts for the treatment. The medicines shall be sent by courier.