-- Renal Calculus (Kidney Stones) --

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Clinical Picture

  1. 50% of the patients are present between 30 & 50 years of age.

  2. Male:Female ratio is 4:3

  3. Pain is the leading symptom in 75% of cases.

  4. Renal pain :- Severe colicy pain or dull aching pain in renal angleor in left or right hypochondrium.

    Ureteric colic :- Agonising colicky pain from loin to groin, starting suddenly and present intermittantly associated with vomiting and profuse sweating. The attack usually lasts less than 8 hours.

  5. Haematuria: It means blood in urine. It is always preceded by renal pain. This bleeding may be frank or microscopic. Microscopic examination of urine will show RBC’s and pus cells in the urine.

  6. Silent Stones: They may be large and bilateral even then they may not be giving any symptoms. They are discovered accidentaly in X-rays.

  7. Recurrent Urinary tract infection should be investigated for renal stones.

  8. Renal Failure may be the feature of bilateral renal stones.


  1. Urine examination for RBC’s and pus cells.

  2. Blood uria and Serum Creatinine.

  3. Blood sugar

  4. Serum calcium to rule out Hyperparathyroidism.

  5. Plain X-ray of the abdomen.

  6. If stone is present then I.V.P.(Intravenous Pyelography)

  7. I.V.P. shows the exact site of the stone, its relation to different parts of the kidney and function of that kidney.

Homoeopathic Approach

  1. The role of Homoeopathy in Renal Calculi
  2. Homeopathy is useful in all stages of renal lithiasis. It can be used to speedily expel an existent stone, and is extremely helpful in preventing recurrence of the stones . Kidney Stones, acute as well as chronic, can be effectively treated with Homeopathic Medicines. Homeopathy is also useful in treating secondary infections of the urinary tract arising after injury from the moving stone.

    Homeopathic treatment can avoid surgery in many cases. It is highly recommended in cases where tendency of having recurrent stones exists. Most people think that getting rid of an existing stone is the end of the problem but they are not aware that the stone formation can happen again and again. In homeopathy patient’s case history is studied in detail and a well selected homeopathic medicine is given which removes this tendency from patient’s body so that he does not have any more stones again.

    According to Homoeopathic principles, there are certain inbuilt tendencies in human beings which lead to such conditions. The medicines check the unbalanced homeostasis(harmony) of the body besides acting locally. As the medicines are able to harmonize the tendencies, they are very much capable of preventing the recurrence. And all this happens without a any side effects.