-- Renal Calculus (Kidney Stones) --

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  1. Which type of kidney patients should take Homeopathic treatment?

    1. Kidney patients of any stage may take homeopathic treatment earliest possible for avoiding passing into the complete renal damage.

    2. Patients suffering from recurrent renal stone formation

    3. Diabetic patients & patients having Hypertension can take homeopathic treatment to avoid renal complications.

    4. Persons who are having symptoms of early renal failure of unknown etiology.

    5. Patients who are on dialysis can get rid off the frequent dialysis by taking classical homeopathic treatment.

    6. Patients who are waiting for renal transplantation can be treated with Homeopathic treatment which can stop the urgent need of kidney donor.

    7. Healthy persons who have strong family history of Renal Stone or Renal Failure.

Management of Kidney Stones with Homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines prescribed at our centres are broadly classified into two types:-
  1. The first known as ‘Specific remedies’ or ‘therapeutic medicines’ which help in immediate control of pain, blood in urine and those which propagate passing or breaking down stones.

  2. There are very specific medicines for specific symptoms listed in Homoeopathy like for

    • right sided pain: Lycopodium, Sarsaperilla, Dioscoria

    • pain in left side: Berbaris vulgaris, Cantharis, Colosynth

    • burning Micturition: Canyharis, Anthracinum, Arsenicum Album, etc

    • haematuria: Hammamelis, Cantharis, Acid Nitricum, Hydrangia, Lachesis etc.

    • dysuria: Sarsa ,Lycopodium, Belladonna etc.

    Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris (medicine made from the bark from the plant named Barberry) is well known for its great action in treating stones in the kidney and urinary tract. Berberis not only helps in eliminating kidney stones and reliving the pain, its use also eradicates ones tendency to develop stones recurrently.

    There are medicines like Calcaria carb, Lycopodium, Thuja, Cannabis sativa, Sarsaparilla, Natrum sulf, Pariera brava, Lachesis etc. which when taken under proper medical guidance and with regularity, have the power to replace surgeon’s knife.

  3. The second, known as ‘Constitutional remedy’, which helps to rectify metabolic disorders and reduce your innate tendency to form stones.

    • Most cases are recommended a treatment course of 6 months.

    • Individuals having high recurrences may be recommended a longer duration of treatment.

    • Conventional treatment measures recommended by your Nephrologist or Family Physician may be continued along with Homeopathic medicines.

    • Small to medium size stones (4-10 mm) have a greater chance of completely passing out on treatment.

    • More than 80% of those affected with Kidney stones experience a reoccurrence. You can prevent and/or reduce your chances of stone reoccurrence with the lifestyle changes and recommended homeopathic treatment.

    The constitutional doses (the ones those act on the person as a whole) have the potential to prevent the recurrence, once the stone is expelled.
When the stone size is small, homeopathy is likely to help in the passage of stone as well as in relieving the agonizing pain caused by the same. If the stone size is larger, obstructing stones which causing hydroneprhosis then the patient is better treated surgically. However, even after surgical removal of stones, homeopathy still has a role to play in preventing its recurrence (as the chance of having recurring stones are about 70-80%).

Other Preventive Measures

  1. Foods containing excess calcium oxalate like spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, excess tea-coffee, chocolates, cheese, pastries, etc. should be minimized.

  2. Water consumption schedule should be scrupulously followed. Most common cause for renal stone formation is decreased water intake, therefore minimum water intake of 4–5 litres in a day should be the aim.

  3. Citrous fruits (pineapple, grapefruit, lemon) should be eaten.

  4. Not to hold the urine for longer periods.

  5. Avoid Vitamin D supplements.

  6. Do not reduce calcium intake. Lowering calcium intake may increase your chances of calcium oxalate stones (commonest form) as calcium binds with oxalates in the gut and prevents it from being excreted in the urine.

  7. Reduce salt and animal protein intake.

  8. Body weight should be kept under check as obese people are more prone to calculi. So exercise is vital.

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